Sunday, August 18, 2013

Burgers, Beer, and Baby Talk

WooooHoooo, the photos that I was far to busy to even attempt to take have come in (courtesy of Maddie Richards and Pat Moser) which means I finally get to share with you all the highlights of the MOST adorable baby shower ever! Once again we are going to live this day through pictures and captions because if I start going into detail, everyone will lose interest a quarter of the way through.  I will however say that a million and one thank you's is not enough to show Olive's Aunt Kate, Uncle Sean, Pop, and Grams how much all of their planning and creativity means to us. In typical Kate style it was WAY over the top but in the most loving and fun way. I have no idea how they planned a party of this magnitude living in Philly but they did. We would also like to say thank you to every single friend and family member who traveled from near and far to come show us and Olive how much they love us!

The perfect combo of girl meets boy. Flowers and beer bottles.
Late night diaper laughs will be greatly appreciated
Aunt Kate and Uncle Sean obviously had 9 months to shop. There were outfits hanging from clothes lines everywhere we looked!

Of course I cried like a baby once I got home and read all the sweet messages that were written.

 "Olive You" favors  and ice cold beer. I think the beer was the only way to convince a bunch of men to attend a baby shower.
It's hard to believe that just two years ago this very same yard was filled with all these people for our wedding.
 Showing up 10 minutes late. It seems to be a trend lately. I think I forget that this big belly makes me move a little slower than normal.

                            I think this is my favorite photo. It's going to be framed for sure!
                                    A very manly Daddy with his very girly beer stein.

Food, food, and more food! I thought that the appetizer table was extravagant so I was really shocked to see those cleared and a main course of sliders being brought out. Guests feasted on elk patties as well as salmon patties topped off with all the fixins. Then dessert showed up and my mind was blown. Cupcakes made to look like burgers, are you kidding me??? Burgers, beer, and baby talk...I should have known that even dessert would be kept in the theme.

Since my not so tiny 9 month pregnant self could not handle walking around all day in the hot summer sun, I was able to sit back and really take in all the candid moments of the day. It was so much fun seeing all the people we love come together and have a great time.

Pop said it perfectly when he said "you are going to need a bigger house for all this stuff!" He was right! I have a feeling this is just a sneak peek into how spoiled our little girl is going to be. We were blown away at how many thoughtful gifts she received. Not only was our registry just about finished off but the handmade gifts were mind blowing. There is some serious talent out there in our guests. Unwrapping gifts took about four times longer than usual but Hans can't help playing with everything. It actually made for some pretty good laughs. Olive had better have a great sense of humor or else her father is really going to embarrass her once she hits teenage years. 

 There has been an on going tradition that every baby that has slept in this antique cradle gets their name added to a plaque and attached to the cradle. Here are just a few of the cousins who have plaques and as you can see not only will Olive keep that tradition going but John and his wife Maddie are expecting their little girl just 3 weeks after Olive. It's so neat that Olive and her cousin Talin will be able to grow up together at such a close age. 

Last but not least, no baby shower would be complete without games. A few willing volunteers had to chug/suck beer out of baby bottles. It was obviously more difficult than it looks because there were a lot of complaints about sore jaws once they were done. In the end, experience came out on top and Pop won the battle. Maybe it was just that missing tooth that gave him a little extra edge. HeeHee!

Thank you again to everyone who came out to celebrate Olive with us. We can't wait to see you all again and next time we do you will finally be able to meet this beautiful little girl.  All that is left is for Olive to hurry up and come into this big new world. Your Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you! 


Rachael said...

Wow, I am SO impressed! What an awesome shower. I love the invites too!! And the burger cupcakes! I love everything, they did such a great job!! I love the idea of a co-ed shower.

MR. & MRS. RICHARDS said...

Love! It was a beautiful baby shower and the boys did have a bunch of fun! Only a few more days!!!!